Numerous Americans have tried online dating, and a huge proportion of these folks have been successful in finding intimate connections. In point, 12 % of American individuals who are currently married or in a determined connection say they met their lover through an online dating website or software.

Most website daters are pretty positive about their experience on dating websites and apps. Majorities statement that it was at least fairly easy to find people on these platforms who they found literally eye-catching, and most furthermore say it was easy to find individuals with whom they shared typical passions. Still, a significant number of respondents reported negative aspects of the experience. For example, seven- in- ten online daters believe that it is very common for people to lie on their profiles to make themselves appear more desirable. Many of these same daters also report that it is common to encounter fake accounts or to be sent sexually explicit images or messages.

Gender and age also shape how people view their experiences with dating sites and apps. For example, women are more likely than men to report that they do not receive enough attention from potential dates on these platforms. Similarly, those ages 65 and older are more likely than others to say that meeting people on these sites or apps is not safe.

Other factors can impact how comfortable someone feels on a first date, such as whether they work in a professional job or are a college student. For instance, the likelihood that a person will be divorced increases with each additional level of education obtained, and those who work in a service industry tend to have lower overall satisfaction on first dates than those in more secure professions.

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